Walk a Mile in Someone Else's Shoes

Walk a Mile in Someone Else's Shoes
Snoqualmie Valley

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I watched this film the other night called Savage Grace. 

It stars Julianne Moore who I think is an outstanding actress. Her talent shines through in this film. I was captivated by the extreme personality of the woman she portrayed, the wife of the heir to the Bakelite plastic fortune. Brooks Baeklande is a calculated and cold sort of man who has basically been served a life on a silver platter. His wife, Barbara, a former sales clerk marries him and falls perfectly in step with the high brow lifestyle. Unfortunately she has some deep rooted character flaws that take a twisted toll on their son.

Here's a link to the book that the film was based on...from Amazon.com
Savage Grace

The costuming and the set design in this film are well worth the agonizing through the tragic family tale, not to mention the artful performances by Ms. Moore and the actor who plays her son. I do wish they'd had her wearing some bakelite jewelry only to satisfy my passion for the plastic.

I just sold a pair of Lucite earrings from my Etsy store. Here's a picture of them. They are on their way to a smart shopper from Georgia tomorrow via the USPS.

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